1) Demos
Contains demos (source and resources), that demonstrate what each unit in the Source folder does. Usually there's one one demo per unit, but in some cases demo can illustrate the work of several units.
_Original_Sector-37, _Under_Reconstruction_Sector-37 - source files of the "Sector-37" project.
Warning: the files weren't updated
since January '2006 and there were a lot of changes in independent
modules, so they will compile, but will not run. They are left in
the package, because I still find them useful and the new engine
will use some procedures and types from the old engine.
_Original_Sector-37 is the original version that compiles
and runs fine
_Under_Reconstruction_Sector-37 is the version, that
uses new modules and introduces new bugs
Core - demos that demonstrate how to use units in the
/Source/Core directory
General - demos that demonstrate how to use units in the
/Source/General directory
SDK - some ready-to used SDK's.
Shaders - demos that demonstrate how to use units in the
/Source/Shaders directory
Utilities - A small collection of utilities written by me:
Strange Normal Map Converter - A utility, that converts a
height map into a normal map. See included ReadMe for details.
Strange Script Exporter - Converts strings like "some_string"
into "Add('some_string');". Pretty simple, but useful when
making components from shaders.
Strange Text Replacer - Utility in an "forever beta" state,
allows to replace blocks of text in a file. I used it once to add a
"license" section into all of my units.
Other demos demonstrate how to use units in the /Source/Utilities
2) Documentation
3) Packages
Contains packages that need to be installed for some demos to run:
StrangeGeneralComponents.dpk: Includes
TStrangeDragDropDestination, TStrangeDragDropSource,
TStrangeSimpleNavigation, TStrangeTrackBar.
StrangeCoreComponents.dpk: Includes
TStrangeCannon, TStrangeNavigator,
TStrangeUserInterface. Included GLScene objects: TStrangeAtmosphere,
TStrangeInertiaCamera, TStrangeConsole, TStrangeEngines,
TStrangeComboBox, TStrangeLines, TStrangeMouseEmulator,
TStrangeMultiProxy, TStrangeUnitHUD.
StrangeShaders.dpk: Includes TStrangeGLSLShader,
TStrangeGLSLBumpShader, TStrangeARBShader,TStrangeMultiShader,
TStrangeCGZapShader, TStrangeCGBombShader,
TStrangeARBPhongShader.[Will be in the next
StrangeSDK.dpk, StrangeUtilities.dpk, StrangeDesignTime.dpk -
other usefull packages.
AllStrangePackages.bpg - A project group that contains the
packages in the exact order they need to be installed.
4) Source
Collection of various components. Path to all folders in this directory should be added into your Delphi's Library path. Most units have a comment inside them which describes their purpose.
Also there are a lot of comments in the interface part of the code, so if there are any problems - check there. Core - all main units.
Warning: Movement Manager has a rather
unpredictable bug that occurs after 2-10 minutes of moving the
object around, so it's kind of hard to track.
Note: this directory contains UFireFxBase.pas, which was
written by MRQZZZ and edited by me (details inside)
DesignTime - stuff, needed only at design time.
General - visual components. Main aim of them is to simplify
creation of visual editors and SDK's. Note:
StrangeDragDropDestination.pas is based on TExplorerDrop by Simon
Grossenbacher (details inside). Note2:
StrangeDragDropSource.pas is based on TDropper by Matveev Igor
(details inside). SDK - components used for SDK development.
"SDK Template" is a template for all SDK's
Shaders -
various shader units, some of them are abstract classes, most are
Utilities - general utility units.
Contain functions, types and constants that many other units use.
Sector-37 Project is officially closed, so there are no plans. I will
only fix bugs and try to maintain compatibility with the latest CVS
version of GLScene.
Add all the folders in the
\Source\ directory to your search path. This is the only required
step to compile most of the demos. If you want full functionality,
then follow next steps too.
Install requied packages in the \Packages\ folder. I recommend you
use the AllStrangePackages.bpg project group to do that.
Download separately and install these third-party components (needed
mostly for SDK's and utilities):
Other components that I just might use some day:
10 September '2006 |
v1.1 |
26 October
'2006 |
All documentation updated. Most bugs fixed.
Official release |
v1.2 |
02 December
'2006 |
More shader components added. Some new utility units added.
SDK Unit Masks improved. More design time components added
v1.3 |
29 January
'2007 |
Updated stats. Some bugfixes. Updated my version of GLScene. |
v1.4 |
20 August
'2007 |
No big changes. Updated everything to CVS version of
GLSCene. |
v1.5 |
05 February
'2008 |
Removed my version of GLScene. Just put together all small
changes that happened over the last half a year. |
v1.6 |
25 July '2009 |
Updated all files to the current CVS version of GLScene. |
the latest version of "Strange components" visit .
statistics (I count only finished files, that were created by myself):
Folder Name |
Size (*.pas) |
Number of files |
835 Kb |
13 |
37 Kb |
3 |
85 Kb |
6 |
Shaders |
83 Kb |
9 |
Utilities |
1060 Kb |
23 |
Total |
2 110 Kb |
54 |
units are Copyrighted (C) 2004-2006 by Alexander Federyakov
(aka Da Stranger) under the
GNU Lesser General Public
License Version 2.1
with the following exceptions:
If you used this unit or any part during the development of your
software, please send me an e-mail to with a link
to your homepage or to a page, where your soft could be downloaded.
This is a request for free software and a must for any form of
You should also state in the appropriate place of you software
that you used this unit or any part of it during the development of
your software, name the author (Alexander Federyakov aka Da Stranger)
and place a link to .
2) I have the right to change the license for all future versions of
this unit and all other units and projects, which are based on it
or use it in any way.
3) I am not obliged to publish the source code of any future versions
of this unit and all other units and projects, which are based on
it or use it in any way.
local copy of the LGPL license can be found here.
you find any bugs, have suggestions or anything else you can contact me
(Alexander Federyakov also known as Da Stranger):
Project web site:
Personal web site:
Phone: 8-916-661-5214, 8-495-300-10-75
ICQ: 293-963-070
Skype: da_strange_dude
Also, I can be contacted through
GLScene newsgroups
or Russian GLScene portal
these components and demos were made for the "Sector-37" project. You
can get more information about the project at .