Files for download





Core units


General components












Old version of the engine. Because of a bad architecture, it will have to be rewritten.  So at the moment you can consider this to be just another old demo.

Version:  0.01 :-]
Date:      04 January '2006





Source files for all these demos can be downloaded from the CVS. I can update it several times per day... or once a year. All sources are compatible *only* with the latest CVS version of GLScene.

Read the FAQ at to get information on how to download projects from CVS. If you want  to download this projects, make sure you replace "glscene" with "sector37" in all connection strings. You can read information about the current version here. But I will also make independent releases.

Latest source release:
All demos (sources, v1.6)
 (4.27 Mb)

Latest binary release:
All demos (compiled, v1.4)  (10.3 Mb)

All demos (compiled, separate, v1.4) (10.3 Mb)
All demos (compiled full debug, v1.4)  (20.1 Mb)


All releases are published here. If you want to see any of the above demos as an independent release contact me.




Core Units


AtmosphereBased on Eric Grange's demo "Earth".Imitates atmosphere around a planet..The atmosphere changes depending on light source and camera position. Now part of GLScene.

Version:  1.7+ (part of GLScene)
Date:      10 March '2008




UnitHUDComponent, that allows to attach a health/armor indicator to a unit.

Camera UtilitiesThis library has a class, that allows the camera to MoveAroundTarget with inertia.

Camera Utilities version:  1.6.4
UnitHUD version: 1.1.6
Camera Utilities Date:  06 September '2007
UnitHUD Date:      20 December '2006




CannonA class. that can imitate how a cannon locks on its targets.

Version:  1.2.4
Date:      20 December '2006




Console - Based on TGLConsole сomponent from A system of internal and external commands, a help system, auto completion was introduced, all inputted commands by user are remembered, etc. Now part of GLScene.

Version:  1.3+ (part of GLScene)
Date:      10 March '2008




EnginesA simple component that allows to attach several engines to a object. Engines can be turned on/off  and leave a trail behind themselves.

Version:  1.4
Date:      21 October '2006




Explosion Manager - Component, that allows to create very complex and different explosions using any combination of the 6 standard GLScene components. Now with sprite support and more examples.

Version:  1.6.2
Date:      11 September '2006





Explosion Manager v2 - Component, that allows to create very complex and different explosions using my new shockwave shader component. Other effects include a series of fireballs and standard particle effects.

You can purchase the source code for 50$ if you like the demo.

Executable (2.38 Mb)
Version:  1.6
Date:      02 April 2007




Gui - An illustration of my TGLComboBox component, of other GLGUI components and of how to imitate a TGLComboBox and a Progress Bar.

Version:  1.0.2
Date:      20 December '2006




Lines - My version of lines and dots. Also contains vector list classes.

Version:  1.2.8
Date:      23 October '2006




Model Manager - Bassed on the component of Blaise Bernier (08/12/2003). The Model Manager is a class that provides an easy way to manage models and master objects of proxies at runtime. You just need to have the model filename and the texture filename and it will load it into the list or return the already existing model.

Version:  1.9.9
Date:      07 March '2008




Mouse Emulator -This unit is designed to emulate mouse movement with keyboard. All
mouse events are supported, even MouseWheel eventsTake a look at the included example for details.

Version:  1.5
Date:      23 October '2006




Movement Manager - Manager that controls all the movements in the game
Movement manager supports acceleration, deceleration at turns and stops (separately), smooth turns with a defined radius, turns while standing, moving backwards, loop mode, loop backwards mode, functions that allow to predict where the object will be in the defined amount of time, it can calculate distance and time to a defined node, also it can preserve the direction of movement, allow object to point to some other object while moving.

Collision Engine - Allows to predict collisions of all kinds of objects and change their movement path in a way to avoid the collision. Still not final version.

Executable (Collision Engine + Movement Manager)
Collision Engine version:  1.5.2
Movement Manager version
:  4.2.6
Collision Engine Date       16 February '2007
Movement Manager Date:      19 December '2006




MultiProxyMy version of the GLMultiProxy component. Allows to change the texture of the proxy, depending on the distance to camera. Will be used to change the texture of the unit depending on the unit damage level. Now part of GLScene.

Version:  1.0.1+ (part of GLScene)
Date:      10 March '2008





SmoothUserInterface  - A more flexible version of GLUserInterface. Allows to use a virtual cursor (like my Mouse Emulator, or a Joystick, for example) and to save coordinates when UserInterface.Active is set to True. Now part of GLScene.

SmoothNavigator  - GLNavigator with inertia support. Now part of GLScene.

User Interface version:  1.2.2+ (part of GLScene)
Navigator version:  1.1+ (part of GLScene)
User Interface Date:      10 March '2008
Navigator Date:      10 March '2008





SpaceThis is my Space map component. Is supports 12 types of cosmic objects, most of which are  multiproxies. All objects are created dynamically using only settings from the configuration file.

Version:  1.6.2
Date:      05 September '2007





General components


Drag-Drop Source demo - A demo of TStrangeDragDropSource - a component that allows to organize file dragging from your Controls.

Version:  1.1
Date:      27 August '2006




Drag-Drop Destination demo - A demo of  TStrangeDragDropDestination - a component that allows to easily handle dropped files (for example, from the Windows Explorer).

Version:  1.3
Date:      04 March '2007




SimpleNavigation demo - A rather simple component written by request from someone at the forum. Allows to view the FPS and do the usual Zoom and MoveAroundTarget stuff that all demos usually have in themselves. All that is just by dropping this component on the form. Now part of GLScene.

Version:  1.2+ (part of GLScene)
Date:      10 March '2008




StrangeTrackbar demo - Just a better TrackBar, that can use floating point numbers
and use different position interpolation types

Version:  1.2
Date:      29 January '2007






Unit Masks Test Utility -  This program allows you to see, how units will look in the game.
It contains a lot of pop-up hints and supports drag-and-drop. Most of the settings can be saved.

Version:  1.8
Date:      30 November '2006




Space Viever SDK -  A simple utility that allows to view skyboxes and skyspheres.

Version:  1.0
Date:      18 February '2007






CG Bomb shader demo - Just a good-looking shader. Now part of GLScene.

Version:  1.3+ (part of GLScene)
Date:     10 March '2008



CG Zap shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader.

Version:  1.0
Date:      20 August '2006



GLSL Morph shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader. Based on demo by Dave Gravel.

Version:  1.0
Date:      11 March '2006



GLSL Bump shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader. Now part of GLScene.

Source + Executable (840 Kb)
Version:  1.3+ (part of GLScene)
Date:      25 August '2009



GLSL Diffuse Specular shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader. Now part of GLScene.

Source + Executable (770 Kb)
Version:  1.1+ (part of GLScene)
Date:      25 August '2009



GLSL Erosion shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader. Based on demo by Dave Gravel.

Version:  1.1
Date:      24 August 2006



Multi Shader demo -  TStrangeMultiShader is a component that allows different shaders to be accessed using a unified interface. Shaders' properties can be saved and loaded in a easy way too. This demo is now obsolete.

Version:  1.1
Date:      04 September '2006



Phong ARB shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader.  Now part of GLScene.

Version:  1.0+ (part of GLScene)
Date:      10 March '2008


CG Fresnel shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader.

Executable + Source
Version:  1.0
Date:      05 November '2006


CG Shockwave shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader.

You can purchase the source code for 30$ if you like the demo.

Executable + Source
Version:  1.2
Date:      05 April  '2007



GLSL Fur shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader.

Executable + Source
Version:  1.0
Date:      02 November  '2006




GLSL Lattice Shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader.

Executable + Source
Version:  1.2
Date:      21 March  '2007




Shader Combiner Fur + Erosion shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader.

Executable + Source
Version:  1.0
Date:      05 November '2006




Shader Combiner SimpleGlow + DiffuseSpecular shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader.

Executable + Source
Version:  1.0
Date:      05 November '2006



GLSL Post Blur shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader that blurs the whole scene.  Now part of GLScene.

Executable + Source (621 Kb)
Version:  1.0+ (part of GLScene)
Date:      04 November '2006


GLSL Post Video effects shader demo -  Just a good-looking shader can even imitate HDR effect.

Executable + Source (621 Kb)
Version:  1.0
Date:      02 November '2006









AI + GLScene - two programs and a set of components, developed by RiverSoftAVG (Tomas G, Grubb) and ported to GLScene by me. A good example of how to imitate behavior of birds or fish in a flock and create formations. Unit formations in the project will be supported based on this method.

Source + Executable
Version:  1.0
Date:      20 July '2005




GLScene Runtime Editors - A demo that shows how to use built-in GLScene editors at Run-Time. Also contains some of my ports of Design-Time GLScene editors to ExtLib Run-Time property Editor. More info here.

Source + Executable (720 Kb)
Version:  1.1
Date:      06 February  '2007




Image Test - simple application which can change the color of the textures. Very slow and simple. The engine will support this method, but most likely it will not be used.

Version:  1.1
Date:      23 September '2006




Image Test - 2 - simple application which can change the color of the textures using two masks. The engine now uses this method as its main one. Supports MD3, MD2 and 3DS format.

Version:  1.1
Date:      23 September '2006




Image Test - 3 - an advanced version of the "Image Test - 2" utility.  Now you can use any color, not just the 16 standard ones. Textures and masks can be loaded from any type of picture files. A couple of buttons were added to demonstrate.all the new stuff.

Version:  v1.2
Date:      23 September '2006




Scale Interface DemoThe demo shows one way to scale interface elements when changing resolution.
Executable + Source
Version:  1.1
Date:       26 October '2006





NormalMap Converter -  A utility, that converts a height map into a normal map. See the included ReadMe file for details.

Version:  1.0.4
Date:      28 August '2006




Script Exporter -  Converts strings like "some_string" into "Add('some_string');". Pretty simple, but useful when making components from shaders.

Version:  1.1
Date:       23 September '2006





Text Replacer -  Utility in an "forever beta" state, allows to replace blocks of text in a file. I used it once to add a "license" section into all of my units.

Version:  1.1
Date:       30 October '2006





IniFiles - A unit, which combines the best of Borland IniFiles, BigIni and RXIni Some GLScene-specific functions were added.

Version:  1.8.6
Date:      03 February '2008




Ini Objects - This unit is designed to easily save/load class's properties to/from File, IniFile, MemIniFile, Strings and other formats using a unified interface.
It supports reference resolving and saving into such pretty fotmats as Ini, advanced Ini (with object inheritance shown) and XML via TStrangeMemInifile and also into a compact format of its own.

Version:  1.7.2
Date:      27 September '2006




Math UtilitiesContains a bunch of math functions, including how to find distance between to lines in 3D space.

:  1.5.2
Date:       20 August '2007





Design documentThe current version of the design document. Only in Russian, sorry.

Online version
:  1.3.3
Date:      03 January 2006


BlockB - information about the world of Sector-37. Will be integrated with the design document. Only in Russian, sorry.
Version:  1.4
Date:      12 May 2006


Technical issuesCurrent version of the technical issues document/ Only in Russian, sorry.
Online version
:  1.3.3
Date:      03 January 2006


Plans for the futureOnly in Russian, sorry.
Online version
:      check the forum


Current goalsWhat needs to be done. Current tasks. Most in Russian, sorry.
Online version
:       check the forum


Interface All materials, concerning the interface of the game.
Online version
:      26  November 2005


Snanned notebooks - Notepads that our scriptwriter sent me. Only in Russian, sorry.
Online version
:      26 November 2005 LogoRambler's Top100




Русская версия

English version


If you think you can help the project in any way, please contact the coordinator



  Updated: 25/08/09